Bull, G. (2010). Finding students who learn with media. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/
Volume3720092010/FebruaryNo5/L_L_February_2010.htm doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article, "Finding Students Who Learn With Media," by Glen Bull, Curby Alexander and Bill Ferster, they discuss the significant opportunities for engagement and learning though student-created media. Over the years web-based authoring tools have been explored in order to find ways to implement them into the classroom. One of the tools being PrimaryAccess MovieMaker, which allows students to combine their own text, primary source images, and audio narrations to create an online documentary films. This program has been implemented in many schools allowing students to embed facts and events in a narrative context that will enhance their retention and understanding of materials.
Ultimately students who author media are much more engaged in the classroom. Most students retain information best by visualizing different subject matter and associating it with relevant issues. Through web-based authoring tools students are able to demonstrate a higher-order of thinking and creativity in their work, that they may not be typically received in a traditional classroom environment. Also, PrimaryAccess can automatically collect information on students performance, through tasks performance rather than the traditional assessments and interviews.
Question #1: Is PrimaryAccess Movie Maker a good way to assess students?
I believe that standardized test are good for some, however some students are simply not able to be tested in that manner. Through task performance assessments students are able to be held accountable for their participation, knowledge , and creativity. Therefore assessing their abilities according to their performance rather than their test taking abilities.
Question #2: Are web-based authoring tools good for student engagement?
I believe that anything that allows students to be involved in creating a project will inspire them to be engaged. Allowing students to make things their own gives them a sense of attachment to the project. Web-based authoring tools gives students a greater world to explore.
LiVe WeLl...LaUgH OfTeN... LoVe AlWaYs
Life is too short; grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you cannot change.
Love deeply and forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets.
Life is too short to be unhappy; you should take the good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad, love what you got, and always remember what you had.
Always forgive, but never forget... Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
People change, and things go wrong, but always remember life goes on! :)
Love deeply and forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets.
Life is too short to be unhappy; you should take the good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad, love what you got, and always remember what you had.
Always forgive, but never forget... Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
People change, and things go wrong, but always remember life goes on! :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Journal #1 :The Beginners Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips
Zanetis, J. (2010). The beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=
4516&ContentID=25443&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article "The Beginner's Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips," by Jan Zanetis, she discusses the importance of allowing students to experience virtual field trips and the positive benifits they will recieve form these virtual experiences. Virtual Field Trips (VFT's) are conducted through the internet so that students can virtually visit and tour different places, without leaving the classroom. Jan Zanetis believes, that VFT's are similar to traditional field, in a sense that these different trips can take student on tours of historical sites, they are able to view different science experiments and process at museums or other organizations, student may even attend a folk festival, the opportunities are endless.
According to Jan Zanetis there are two types of virtual field trips: Asynchronous VFT's and Interactive VFT's. Asynchronous VFT's are not delivered in real-time, they are generally pre-taped websites that include audio, text and video about specific topics to guide individuals through the trip. Some sites even offer a streamlined video tour with a guided host to aide individuals though the whole virtual experience. Jan Zanetis, believes that VFT's may vary in educational relevance and quality so she listed a few websites that provide reputable VFT's for use of grades K-12.
Interactive VFT's, are real-time field trips that take place over the Internet where students in one location are able to learn from informal educators in another location, using the h.323 videoconferencing technology. The h.323 allows students to interact directly with the educators and hosts from places they are virtually visiting, like NASA. By using the video conferencing interface, students are able to interact with the experts and receive a real-world angle on the topic they are studying. The experts are usually trained to adjust their presentations and discussions to students' comprehension levels. Jan believes that that VFT's benefit students of all ages, connecting them with real-life adventures that they can apply to their studies. VFT's link students to places they may never have a chance to experience, creating a greater knowledge of the the world as a whole.
Question #1: Are virtual field trips a good resolution, when traditional field trips are not a possibility?
I don't feel that a VFT can replace the same stimulus as a traditional trip. However, I feel they are a great educational tools, allowing students to visually sense the topic they are studying rather than just having to read about it and imagine what it is like. The best part about a field trip is that it removes students from the classroom, and takes them to a place of interaction. Although the destinations are greater via the internet, students are still confined to the classroom, therefor not completely serving their purpose.
Questions #2: How can I use VFTs as an educational tool in my future classroom?
I feel VFTs are a great tool to visually see the topic, and comprehend what it is exactly the students are studying. For example a geography class is studying Europe and the different European cultures, rather than just read about it, they are able to take a VFT and experience the culture firsthand. As a student I don't retain information if I just have to read and write about a topic, but if I am able to visualise it and apply what I am reading to the real-life form it makes the experience much more memorable.
4516&ContentID=25443&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article "The Beginner's Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips," by Jan Zanetis, she discusses the importance of allowing students to experience virtual field trips and the positive benifits they will recieve form these virtual experiences. Virtual Field Trips (VFT's) are conducted through the internet so that students can virtually visit and tour different places, without leaving the classroom. Jan Zanetis believes, that VFT's are similar to traditional field, in a sense that these different trips can take student on tours of historical sites, they are able to view different science experiments and process at museums or other organizations, student may even attend a folk festival, the opportunities are endless.
According to Jan Zanetis there are two types of virtual field trips: Asynchronous VFT's and Interactive VFT's. Asynchronous VFT's are not delivered in real-time, they are generally pre-taped websites that include audio, text and video about specific topics to guide individuals through the trip. Some sites even offer a streamlined video tour with a guided host to aide individuals though the whole virtual experience. Jan Zanetis, believes that VFT's may vary in educational relevance and quality so she listed a few websites that provide reputable VFT's for use of grades K-12.
Interactive VFT's, are real-time field trips that take place over the Internet where students in one location are able to learn from informal educators in another location, using the h.323 videoconferencing technology. The h.323 allows students to interact directly with the educators and hosts from places they are virtually visiting, like NASA. By using the video conferencing interface, students are able to interact with the experts and receive a real-world angle on the topic they are studying. The experts are usually trained to adjust their presentations and discussions to students' comprehension levels. Jan believes that that VFT's benefit students of all ages, connecting them with real-life adventures that they can apply to their studies. VFT's link students to places they may never have a chance to experience, creating a greater knowledge of the the world as a whole.
Question #1: Are virtual field trips a good resolution, when traditional field trips are not a possibility?
I don't feel that a VFT can replace the same stimulus as a traditional trip. However, I feel they are a great educational tools, allowing students to visually sense the topic they are studying rather than just having to read about it and imagine what it is like. The best part about a field trip is that it removes students from the classroom, and takes them to a place of interaction. Although the destinations are greater via the internet, students are still confined to the classroom, therefor not completely serving their purpose.
Questions #2: How can I use VFTs as an educational tool in my future classroom?
I feel VFTs are a great tool to visually see the topic, and comprehend what it is exactly the students are studying. For example a geography class is studying Europe and the different European cultures, rather than just read about it, they are able to take a VFT and experience the culture firsthand. As a student I don't retain information if I just have to read and write about a topic, but if I am able to visualise it and apply what I am reading to the real-life form it makes the experience much more memorable.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Internet Safety: Copyright (NETS-T 4)
In class we viewed JCCS Internet Safety Project.This is an internet Safety Project that is being developed as part of a comprehensive plan to address Internet and other technological resources being used by our students in a safe and responsible manner. In a small group we then broke down six serious issues where internet safety is an important factor, which were Identity Safety, Cyberbullying, Cyber Predators, Piracy & Plagiarism, Inappropriate Content, and Social Networks. We then defined, wrote out and discussed several different scenarios that may occur with students and how to provide them with helpful ways to stay cybersafe.
Newsletter (NETS-T 1 & 3)
A Newsletter is a great way to keep others informed on what is going on either in a classroom or with other events. This Newsletter was created in Microsoft word, using the several different tools that are offered to make it personal and creative.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
iMovie: CSUSM-PSA (NETS-T 2,3, & 5)
An iMovie is a great way to demonstrate creative and innovative abilities. This iMovie was created using Apple's MAC iMovie computer program. I was able edit, add sounds and effects, while creating a visually pleasing short movie advising individuals to choose CSUSM as their college.
Inspiration (NETS-T 1-5)
Wiki Page (NETS-T 1,2,3, & 5)
A wiki page is a collaborative community web site,that allows educators, students, parents, and other community members to communicate, create, edit, and collaborate on a website. I used a "cool tool" called Animoto, to demonstrate how a slide-show of pictures can create a movie turning a presentation into more of a fun interactive show.
My Wiki Page Link
My Wiki Page Link
Excel Crossword (NETS-T 1,2, & 3)
Excel is a great organizational tool, it allows one to create spreadsheets that can be used as a form of keeping track of grades and much more. I used excel to create a fun interactive crossword, using certain facts about myself.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Journal #9: Web 2.0. Today's Technologies, Tomorrow's Learning
Greenhow, C. (2009). Tapping the wealth of social networks for professional development. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/
Volume3620082009/JuneJulyNo8/L_L_June_July_2009.htm doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
Volume3620082009/JuneJulyNo8/L_L_June_July_2009.htm doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
Journal #8:Tapping the Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development
Greenhow, C. (2010). A New concept of digital citizenship for the digital age. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&
ContentID=25564&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
ContentID=25564&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
Journal #7: Screencasting
Screencasting Definition:
Screencasting is a digital video recording that captures actions taking place on a computer desktop. Screencasts, which often contains voice-over narration, are useful for demonstrating how to use specific operating systems, software applications or website features. Screencast production requires some kind of video-capture software and a microphone. The software, which can be a desktop client or web-based service, captures and synchronizes the video and audio files and compresses the completed movie into a format that can be shared.
Definition found at:
Screen Casting
In this discussion Andrew wanted to know if anyone could recommend a useful screen casting widget? Many different people recommend iShowU, it is a quick program only taking seconds to process. It is also cheaper than most of the other programs and works just as well if not better. iShowU only works on Mac computers. For a PC Camtasia is highly recommend but it's very expensive. A free sites that is available is Windows Media Encoder, it is not as well recommended as Camtasia but it works.
Teacher's use of podcasts as a teaching tool!
Sue was going to be presenting at an ed tech conference next week, discussing her use of teacher created podcasts and screencasts or "masterycasts" and how they have impacted her classroom, and was looking for some ideas on how to present them. A few people suggested that she create an individualized podcasting learning plans. Another recommended tool was, Grand Central (it's free) http://grandcentral.com/ , all that is needed is a telephone number and you can post podcasts through a phone right to blogger and other web pages. Camtasia was also referenced in this discussion.
Screencasting is a digital video recording that captures actions taking place on a computer desktop. Screencasts, which often contains voice-over narration, are useful for demonstrating how to use specific operating systems, software applications or website features. Screencast production requires some kind of video-capture software and a microphone. The software, which can be a desktop client or web-based service, captures and synchronizes the video and audio files and compresses the completed movie into a format that can be shared.
Definition found at:
Screen Casting
In this discussion Andrew wanted to know if anyone could recommend a useful screen casting widget? Many different people recommend iShowU, it is a quick program only taking seconds to process. It is also cheaper than most of the other programs and works just as well if not better. iShowU only works on Mac computers. For a PC Camtasia is highly recommend but it's very expensive. A free sites that is available is Windows Media Encoder, it is not as well recommended as Camtasia but it works.
Teacher's use of podcasts as a teaching tool!
Sue was going to be presenting at an ed tech conference next week, discussing her use of teacher created podcasts and screencasts or "masterycasts" and how they have impacted her classroom, and was looking for some ideas on how to present them. A few people suggested that she create an individualized podcasting learning plans. Another recommended tool was, Grand Central (it's free) http://grandcentral.com/ , all that is needed is a telephone number and you can post podcasts through a phone right to blogger and other web pages. Camtasia was also referenced in this discussion.
Journal #6: A New Concept of Digital Citizenship for the Digital Age
Greenhow, C. (2010). A New concept of digital citizenship for the digital age. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=
ContentID=25564&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
ContentID=25564&DirectListComboInd=D doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
NET-S Power Point (NETS-T 1,2,&5)
Power Point is a great presentation tool, allowing individuals to be creative while showing a visual aspects of their presentations. I created a Power Point to introduce ISTE and describe different ways to introduce technology to the grade level I am planning to teach.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Social Bookmarking (NETS-T 1,2,3, & 4)
Delicious.com is a great tool to use for social bookmarking. Delicious.com allows one to tag all the sites they find beneficial that way they are able to navigate easier when wanting information from that website. I used Delicious.com to tag important educational sites, so that I will be able to relocate them in the future.
I watched Big Thinkers by Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences, I enjoyed the movie so much that I posted the movie on my blog. I learned a lot about myself and the different processes of learning. The main reason I want to become a teacher is because I felt lost most of the time in school and it took me learning the best way for me to retain information, which I felt I did not truly learn until my second year in college. I want to relate to students. I want them to feel confident in their learning abilities and help them establish themselves as individuals instead of conforming to a standard that categorizes students as a general population. I still have a tendency to retain information until it is no longer needed and then forget it almost instantly, unless I apply it to something relevant to my daily life. I want students to feel important.
I received a 90% on the Netiquette Quiz.
It is important to educate proper computer etiquette to students and Netiquette does a very good job at going through the different ways to do so. Educating student makes them aware of the different ways proper etiquette can positively benefit their internet experiences. Students need to know that although their contact may not be face-to-face it still has a certain affect on other individuals. Emoticons are a great tool to help individuals express the tone of their statement through symbols and computer graphic, that way their message does not get misconstrued. Positive education leads to positive results.
1) National Archive:
The exhibit I found interesting was in the eyewitness exhibit of the Crew of Apollo 8 - A View from Lunar Orbit, 1968. I am completely fascinated with space! I love knowing that there is so much more to continually explore in our universe. I'm amazed that Earth seems so large, but up in space it's so small. When I become a multi-millionaire (on my teachers salary of course), I'm headed to outer space! :)
Using a primary source in the classroom is beneficial because you are dealing with the main source rather than outsourcing to different sites. A primary source is straight from the source and will contain the correct knowledge.
2) National Education Association(NEA) - Achievement Gaps:
The Students that are at risk for achievement groups are racial, ethnic minorities and English language learners, students with disabilities, boys/girls, and students from low-income families.
The three areas that I feel fit my teaching style when it comes to "Becoming a Culturally Competent Educator," are determining the diverse groups served by your school. Consider cultural, linguistic, racial, and ethnic diversity. Find out the degree to which families and students in these groups are accessing available school services. I feel determining the culture and diversity with in my school will allow me to become more educated in the ways I can teach to my students. Also being familiar with the different cultures, linguistics and the diversity can help me relate to my students, allowing them to feel comfortable with my teaching skills.
Networking with parents, families, minority based communities, and faith-based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students. Solicit their involvement and input in the design and implementation of initiatives for culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups. Becoming involved with the parents will help the students, parents, and myself as the educator when it comes to educating students. Education is a team effort, including the community along with the families will ultimately allow the student to achieve full success in the education system. Networking within the community I teach will allow me to become familiar with what my students have to enable their education.
Engaging school staff in discussions and activities that offer an opportunity to explore attitudes, beliefs, and values related to cultural diversity and cultural competence. Having the support from your staff is key to being a successful teacher, like I said before teaching is a team effort. Engaging the staff to do fun activities and being involved in different opportunities to enrich our students diversity knowledge will allow us to form close personal relationships with the students.
3) Stop Cyber Bullying:
6-10 Points: Cyber Risky
Well, you’re not perfect, but few people are. Chances are you haven’t done anything terrible and were just having fun, but try not to repeat your behaviors, since they are all offenses. Keep in mind the pain that your fun might be causing others!
I feel this score is accurate, my group of friends and I are silly individuals and we went through a period where we thought it was funny to post funny pictures of one another on our facebook pages. However, I can see how that could effect someone if pictures surfaced and someone posted them against their own free-will. It is important to know your boundaries when it comes to taking a joke to far.
A few things I learned after reviewing the stopcyberbullying.org/educators/ web page was: the age at which most cyberbulling occurs, the things children are capable of, and how little involvement the school can have in these matters. It's been researched that cyberbullying starts as young as eight years old and carries on to around the age of 15. It amazes me that eight year old are even allowed on a computer let alone on networking sites bullying other children. Another thing I couldn't believe was that students could create specific web pages to violently target other students, such as who is the fatest/ugliest kid at school; things have sure come a long way even since I have been in high school. Lastly, what shocked me was how little educators can do to prevent and help those being attacked, how are we to assure students safety? When I become a teacher I would hope that my students would come to me with these kinds of bullying issues, even though there may be nothing I can do legally, I would at least hopefully be able to build them back up emotionally. The suggestion given by the cyberbullying web site, was to ignore it and use the "sticks & stones" method. However these victims being so young may find that approach difficult, I could only hope to build close relationships with my students so that I could assure them that all things eventually blow over.
4) Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators:
The exhibit I found interesting was in the eyewitness exhibit of the Crew of Apollo 8 - A View from Lunar Orbit, 1968. I am completely fascinated with space! I love knowing that there is so much more to continually explore in our universe. I'm amazed that Earth seems so large, but up in space it's so small. When I become a multi-millionaire (on my teachers salary of course), I'm headed to outer space! :)
Using a primary source in the classroom is beneficial because you are dealing with the main source rather than outsourcing to different sites. A primary source is straight from the source and will contain the correct knowledge.
2) National Education Association(NEA) - Achievement Gaps:
The Students that are at risk for achievement groups are racial, ethnic minorities and English language learners, students with disabilities, boys/girls, and students from low-income families.
The three areas that I feel fit my teaching style when it comes to "Becoming a Culturally Competent Educator," are determining the diverse groups served by your school. Consider cultural, linguistic, racial, and ethnic diversity. Find out the degree to which families and students in these groups are accessing available school services. I feel determining the culture and diversity with in my school will allow me to become more educated in the ways I can teach to my students. Also being familiar with the different cultures, linguistics and the diversity can help me relate to my students, allowing them to feel comfortable with my teaching skills.
Networking with parents, families, minority based communities, and faith-based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students. Solicit their involvement and input in the design and implementation of initiatives for culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups. Becoming involved with the parents will help the students, parents, and myself as the educator when it comes to educating students. Education is a team effort, including the community along with the families will ultimately allow the student to achieve full success in the education system. Networking within the community I teach will allow me to become familiar with what my students have to enable their education.
Engaging school staff in discussions and activities that offer an opportunity to explore attitudes, beliefs, and values related to cultural diversity and cultural competence. Having the support from your staff is key to being a successful teacher, like I said before teaching is a team effort. Engaging the staff to do fun activities and being involved in different opportunities to enrich our students diversity knowledge will allow us to form close personal relationships with the students.
3) Stop Cyber Bullying:
6-10 Points: Cyber Risky
Well, you’re not perfect, but few people are. Chances are you haven’t done anything terrible and were just having fun, but try not to repeat your behaviors, since they are all offenses. Keep in mind the pain that your fun might be causing others!
I feel this score is accurate, my group of friends and I are silly individuals and we went through a period where we thought it was funny to post funny pictures of one another on our facebook pages. However, I can see how that could effect someone if pictures surfaced and someone posted them against their own free-will. It is important to know your boundaries when it comes to taking a joke to far.
A few things I learned after reviewing the stopcyberbullying.org/educators/ web page was: the age at which most cyberbulling occurs, the things children are capable of, and how little involvement the school can have in these matters. It's been researched that cyberbullying starts as young as eight years old and carries on to around the age of 15. It amazes me that eight year old are even allowed on a computer let alone on networking sites bullying other children. Another thing I couldn't believe was that students could create specific web pages to violently target other students, such as who is the fatest/ugliest kid at school; things have sure come a long way even since I have been in high school. Lastly, what shocked me was how little educators can do to prevent and help those being attacked, how are we to assure students safety? When I become a teacher I would hope that my students would come to me with these kinds of bullying issues, even though there may be nothing I can do legally, I would at least hopefully be able to build them back up emotionally. The suggestion given by the cyberbullying web site, was to ignore it and use the "sticks & stones" method. However these victims being so young may find that approach difficult, I could only hope to build close relationships with my students so that I could assure them that all things eventually blow over.
4) Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators:
Subject Access- Health and Fitness
I liked this area because it touched on several different aspects of health, such as calculating calories and BMI's, along with lesson plans for teaching them. It also touched on character education and different ways to implement them into your activities and lessons. I would use this site for information on future lesson plans.
I liked this area because it touched on several different aspects of health, such as calculating calories and BMI's, along with lesson plans for teaching them. It also touched on character education and different ways to implement them into your activities and lessons. I would use this site for information on future lesson plans.
Teachers Helpers- Digital Gadgets
I liked this area because it helps educators stay current with technology and how to implement them in a classroom lesson plan. I feel this is very important information because as educators it is important to stay current in the technology world. Also incorporating the newest technology in a classroom allows you to connect better with your students... also know as "keeping it real."
5) Multiple Intelligence:
My learning styles:
Intrapersonal- 81%
I liked this area because it helps educators stay current with technology and how to implement them in a classroom lesson plan. I feel this is very important information because as educators it is important to stay current in the technology world. Also incorporating the newest technology in a classroom allows you to connect better with your students... also know as "keeping it real."
5) Multiple Intelligence:
My learning styles:
Intrapersonal- 81%
I watched Big Thinkers by Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences, I enjoyed the movie so much that I posted the movie on my blog. I learned a lot about myself and the different processes of learning. The main reason I want to become a teacher is because I felt lost most of the time in school and it took me learning the best way for me to retain information, which I felt I did not truly learn until my second year in college. I want to relate to students. I want them to feel confident in their learning abilities and help them establish themselves as individuals instead of conforming to a standard that categorizes students as a general population. I still have a tendency to retain information until it is no longer needed and then forget it almost instantly, unless I apply it to something relevant to my daily life. I want students to feel important.
6) Teaching Tolerance Lesson Idea:
Grades 3-5
Subject: Health and Science
I Am Special by Kitty Sanderson from Haywood County Schools
This lesson was based off two different stories describing how important it is for people to be individuals. I feel individuality is a very important value to instill in children lives, in order for them to grow as individuals we need to teach the to except themselves as well as others for who they are.
7) EdChange Multicultural Awareness Quiz:
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, what is the percentage of U.S. schools with no teachers of color on staff?
The answer is 40%, and that baffles me. I can only hope that it is because people of color don't wish to be teachers and not because school districts have issues with race.
According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, what percentage of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients?
The answer is 52%. Unfortunately our society has not come as far as it should. Sexuality is a right one has a human being. Sexuality is a freedom of choice and everyone deserve the benefits they earned or acquired just like everyone else.
8) Netiquette:
Grades 3-5
Subject: Health and Science
I Am Special by Kitty Sanderson from Haywood County Schools
This lesson was based off two different stories describing how important it is for people to be individuals. I feel individuality is a very important value to instill in children lives, in order for them to grow as individuals we need to teach the to except themselves as well as others for who they are.
7) EdChange Multicultural Awareness Quiz:
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, what is the percentage of U.S. schools with no teachers of color on staff?
The answer is 40%, and that baffles me. I can only hope that it is because people of color don't wish to be teachers and not because school districts have issues with race.
According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, what percentage of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients?
The answer is 52%. Unfortunately our society has not come as far as it should. Sexuality is a right one has a human being. Sexuality is a freedom of choice and everyone deserve the benefits they earned or acquired just like everyone else.
8) Netiquette:
I received a 90% on the Netiquette Quiz.
It is important to educate proper computer etiquette to students and Netiquette does a very good job at going through the different ways to do so. Educating student makes them aware of the different ways proper etiquette can positively benefit their internet experiences. Students need to know that although their contact may not be face-to-face it still has a certain affect on other individuals. Emoticons are a great tool to help individuals express the tone of their statement through symbols and computer graphic, that way their message does not get misconstrued. Positive education leads to positive results.
Nets-S Power Point Rubbric (NETS-T 1,2,& 3)
A rubric is a great way to set standards and make sure that they are accomplished and graded appropriately meeting those standards. I used RCampus, which allowed me to create a rubric for our power point assignment.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Journal #4: Playing with Skype
Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&
ContentID=25508&DirectListComboInd= doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article, "Playing with Skype," by Travi J. Weller, talks about his own personal story and how Skype helped him bridge a long distant gap, between his band class and other musicians. Using Skype requires minimal equipment, most school already possess the items needed. Skpe allows for interactive conversations from all parts of the world, which can be very benifical for educational experiences. Travis stated his one rule for technology, which I found to be extremly powerful, " If it makes for a richer educational experience, then it is worth it." It is a very simple process to become a Skpe member, and there is a very effective free version. Skype makes it possible foe educators and students to outsource to experts in different subject areas and invite them into the classroom.
Question #1: Could Skype be beneficial for students' when it comes to choosing a career?
I believe that Skype is a great virtual tool, that can encourage students to search for experts in different careers and talk face to face with them about what their job entails, creating a more personal experience. Skype can also be a good pre-interviewing tool, for jobs and colleges that may be to far to travel to.
Question #2: How could I use Skype in my future classroom?
I feel Skype could be similar to taking my students on a virtual field trip to places and cultures they might be studying. It is one thing to talk about other parts of the world, but to actually be able to communicate with people from those places would be much more beneficial. Skype can help make certain topics more of a reality.
ContentID=25508&DirectListComboInd= doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article, "Playing with Skype," by Travi J. Weller, talks about his own personal story and how Skype helped him bridge a long distant gap, between his band class and other musicians. Using Skype requires minimal equipment, most school already possess the items needed. Skpe allows for interactive conversations from all parts of the world, which can be very benifical for educational experiences. Travis stated his one rule for technology, which I found to be extremly powerful, " If it makes for a richer educational experience, then it is worth it." It is a very simple process to become a Skpe member, and there is a very effective free version. Skype makes it possible foe educators and students to outsource to experts in different subject areas and invite them into the classroom.
Question #1: Could Skype be beneficial for students' when it comes to choosing a career?
I believe that Skype is a great virtual tool, that can encourage students to search for experts in different careers and talk face to face with them about what their job entails, creating a more personal experience. Skype can also be a good pre-interviewing tool, for jobs and colleges that may be to far to travel to.
Question #2: How could I use Skype in my future classroom?
I feel Skype could be similar to taking my students on a virtual field trip to places and cultures they might be studying. It is one thing to talk about other parts of the world, but to actually be able to communicate with people from those places would be much more beneficial. Skype can help make certain topics more of a reality.
Journal #3: Navigate the Digital Rapids
Lindsay, J., & Davis, V. (2010, March/April). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/
Volume3720092010/MarchAprilNo6/Navigate_the_Digital_Rapids.htm doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article " Navigate the Digital Rapids," by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis, they describe the complications of teaching digital citizenship when the digital world and standards are rapidly changing. It takes a true digital teacher to be able to customize lessons with their students and their different learning styles, as well as effectively researching the latest technologies that meet the specific standards. They also discuss the the importance of engaging students in their own learning process and being able to monitor their technology use in the classroom. In order for digital teachers to be successful, they need to have a firm plan and consequences for those who don't obey the guidelines, when it comes to using online collaborative and networking sites.
Julie and Vicki, the authors created the Flat Classroom Project, to bring together middle and senior high school students to transform learning through global collaboration. This program will allow one to two classrooms become one large classroom, using Web 2.o tools. Virtually allowing students and teachers to ride safely and successfully through the digital rapids.
Question #1: Is it helpful to participate in the Flat Classroom project?
As a future educator knowledge is power. The more information one can seek on technology and networking sites the better. The student population is continually evolving and for their safety as well as ours it is important to stay current using different resources.
Question #2: Can being to protective of our students and their digital use, lead to negative consequences to an educator?
In the article it is stated that is it important to teach digital citizenship to students starting in kindergarten, that way they are able to practice proper ediquette from the begining. Teachers' are allowed to report what they see and hear while the students are on school grounds. However, when the student are off school property teachers' can find them selves on dangerous grounds leagally if if they try and inerviene with students personal online networking. It is very important that teachers' work properly in deling with tough cyber situations.
Volume3720092010/MarchAprilNo6/Navigate_the_Digital_Rapids.htm doi:
ISSN 1082-5754
In the article " Navigate the Digital Rapids," by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis, they describe the complications of teaching digital citizenship when the digital world and standards are rapidly changing. It takes a true digital teacher to be able to customize lessons with their students and their different learning styles, as well as effectively researching the latest technologies that meet the specific standards. They also discuss the the importance of engaging students in their own learning process and being able to monitor their technology use in the classroom. In order for digital teachers to be successful, they need to have a firm plan and consequences for those who don't obey the guidelines, when it comes to using online collaborative and networking sites.
Julie and Vicki, the authors created the Flat Classroom Project, to bring together middle and senior high school students to transform learning through global collaboration. This program will allow one to two classrooms become one large classroom, using Web 2.o tools. Virtually allowing students and teachers to ride safely and successfully through the digital rapids.
Question #1: Is it helpful to participate in the Flat Classroom project?
As a future educator knowledge is power. The more information one can seek on technology and networking sites the better. The student population is continually evolving and for their safety as well as ours it is important to stay current using different resources.
Question #2: Can being to protective of our students and their digital use, lead to negative consequences to an educator?
In the article it is stated that is it important to teach digital citizenship to students starting in kindergarten, that way they are able to practice proper ediquette from the begining. Teachers' are allowed to report what they see and hear while the students are on school grounds. However, when the student are off school property teachers' can find them selves on dangerous grounds leagally if if they try and inerviene with students personal online networking. It is very important that teachers' work properly in deling with tough cyber situations.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hello all! Welcome to Kelli Nakao's first ever blog!!!
Hello, my name is Kelli Marie Nakao, I am 26 years old and just recently moved back to San Diego. I was born in San Diego, but my family moved to Washington State when I was seven. I attended 2nd through 12th grade in the Tenino school district and then attended Central Washington University, where received a degree in Exercise Science. I recently moved back to San Diego, because my family is all here and they are a huge part of my life.
CSUSM College of Education's Mission Statement
The mission of the College of Education Community is to collaboratively transform public education by preparing thoughtful educators and advancing professional practices. We are committed to diversity, educational equity, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life-long learning, innovative research, and ongoing service. Our practices demonstrate a commitment to student centered education, diversity, collaboration, professionalism, and shared governance.The text that is in bold is what stands out most to me in the college of education's mission statement, I believe in everything that Statement represents. Prior to entering the program I did not know of the mission statement, however now that I am aware of it I'm glad I chose this program
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